Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Best Eyeliner You Will Ever Use.

For the longest time, I was using Almay's liquid eyeliner in Black Pearl, but I realized how much I loved matte black eyeliner. Thanks to a recommendation, I picked up Revlon's Colorstay Liquid Eye Pen in Blackest Black. After using it, I don't think I've loved an eyeliner more than I have this one. 

This eyeliner comes in a pen-like form, and I find it's a lot easier to apply than those dumb little quill types. I have more control of how much product goes where, and it feels a lot more natural to hold in my hand.

I don't know how it works, but this pen is absolutely magic. I'm on my fourth month having this, and it hasn't even come close to drying out. It's magnificent.

Look how opaque it is oOoOoO


  1. Hi new blogger friend!!

    Thank you for leaving your blog address on Beautylish so I could find your lovely blog- I am kind of naive when it comes to makeup, so I find blogs like yours so helpful!!

    Thanks for sharing :-) Following you dear!

    XO Jenna
